Automate customer billing for a corporate catering group
Client Presentation
Serenest, leader en restauration premium pour entreprises, opère plus de 60 sites de bureaux en Île-de-France. Avec une réputation d’excellence et de service personnalisé, Serenest aspire à renforcer ses processus financiers pour mieux refléter sa qualité de service et absorber la croissance de son portefeuille client.
Serenest asked Terros to create a tailor-made solution that automates its invoicing process by integrating with the PiElectronique cash register system.
Développer une plateforme d’automatisation de facturation qui non seulement facilite et sécurise la gestion des transactions financières mais aussi améliore l’efficacité pour les clients de Serenest.
Key metrics
Why automate the invoicing process?
Invoicing is crucial for any growing company, as it impacts cash flow management and customer relations.
The diversity of Serenest's offers and customers made tracking turnover and the customer invoicing process particularly complex, time-consuming, error-prone and difficult to automate using market tools.
Integrating revenues into a single platform and automating invoicing serves a triple purpose for Serenest:
- Reactivity : Issue and send invoices promptly after transactions have been completed
- Follow up : The integration of different sources of revenue means that sales can be tracked precisely in real time, thanks to dashboards.
- Reliability : Streamline the process and limit the risk of errors in customer invoicing.
An ambitious project
The platform automates the generation, control and dispatch of customer invoices by importing transactions from Serenest's various activities:
- receipts PiElectronics for restoration
- orders fromEvent by Serenest for events
Serenest's teams now have a single, faster and more reliable platform, with information updated in real time, to accurately analyze revenues for all business sites.
Platform Administration
Access is managed according to the principle of Least Privilege to protect sensitive data.
A 2-level permission system has been implemented:
Functional: The platform's various functionalities are accessible according to the user's type of access (read, write, no rights). Consequently, menu options are hidden and inaccessible if the user does not have read access. With read-only access, information is displayed but cannot be edited, deleted or added.
Client: A user can only access information of Clients over which he has rights.
Platform settings
Authorized users can set customer and accounting parameters, i.e. :
- Serenest Billing Information
- Information on each customer (billing contact, address, etc.) and their specific contract parameters (payment terms, fixed charge calculation method, types of revenue to be billed, etc.).
- Types of revenue invoiced (item code, accounting accounts)
Real-time revenue tracking
Optimization of the automatic revenue recovery process via integrations with PiElectronique and Event by Serenest systems means that the revenues of +850 customers can be consulted in real time.
The breakdown of this sales figure between the different activities (Self-service, Cafeteria, Brasserie, Events) can be viewed by week, by day and cumulatively over the chosen period.
Automated and flexible invoicing ️
All customer invoices issued by Serenest are generated by the platform from recorded revenues and specific contract parameters, before being automatically sent as an e-mail attachment.
The IAS platform allows you to:
- Automatically invoice Event by Serenest revenues on the day the order is delivered.
- Automatically generate proforma RIE invoices from cash register receipts. After checking and/or editing, the invoice is validated with a single click.
- Automatically bill fixed fee revenue specific to each client
- Automatically generate credits from issued invoices
- Create invoices and credit notes manually to maintain maximum flexibility for special requirements
Each invoice issued is instantly transmitted to the customer in an automatically sent email.
Accounting entries and transaction monitoring
- Automatic generation of accounting entries imported into accounting software
- Accurate monthly monitoring of transactions using the accounting closing system
- Check invoices via various Excel exports (details of all invoiced transactions by month and by guest for catering, comparison of invoices and associated orders for events).
Results and Feedback
3 months after its launch, the IAS platform is a success:
- 100% customer files are provided on the platform along with their specific contract parameters
- 100% event revenues from Event by Serenest is automatically billed upon delivery of orders, without any human intervention.
- 60% RIE invoices are generated semi-automatically : the platform creates the proforma, its different lines and calculates the amounts from the recipient, from the period selected by the accountant.
- 30% RIE invoices are generated automatically while retaining the possibility of control before validation.
- 10% RIE invoices are generated via the platform by entering the amounts and quantities manually when they concern exceptional income or transactions not recorded by a PiElectronique cash register.
- Assets are generated automatically in one click from an issued invoice.
The platform is used by Serenest's entire Accounting, Finance and Controlling team.
Its adoption was particularly rapid thanks to a tailor-made design, carried out in close collaboration with the Serenest teams, which enabled their concepts, specific needs and vocabulary to be integrated into the platform.
Particular attention has been paid to the ergonomics of the platform, making it both fluid and intuitive.
Users also praised the speed with which upgrade requests were taken into account.